The Aerospike Meetup on February 21st, 2024 was an insightful event with just two presentations, where attendees gained valuable knowledge from industry experts.

Bubunyo “Bubu” Nyavor, a Software Engineer at Adjust, kicked off the event with a compelling presentation on “How to store 27 billion records.” Bubus’s talk delved into the practical challenges behind dealing with such vast amounts of data, drawing from his experiences at Adjust. You can find the slides here.

Following Nyavor’s presentation, Behrad Babaee, a Technology Evangelist at Aerospike, took the stage to discuss “Leveraging Moore’s Law to Optimize Database Performance.” Behrad’s talk explored innovative approaches and the historical evolution of hardware, backed with Moore’s Law, which predicts the doubling of computing power approximately every two years.

He demonstrated mathematical proofs of how the base Aerospike algorithm and architectural considerations can maximize database efficiency. You can find the slides here.

In addition to the presentations, the meetup provided an environment where we saw good discussions and gained insights about the future of the IT industry. And, of course, there were also some nice slides, pizza, and drinks.

A heartfelt thanks to all the attendees who made the event successful by their active participation and valuable contributions. Your presence truly enriched the discussions and made the meetup a memorable experience.

You can also check Andreas Scherbaum written a detailed blog posting about the Meetup here.

We look forward to seeing you at future events.

Don’t forget to check our open positions here.